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United Nations (UN) Launched Standard Helmet In Bangladesh!
Last updated on 14-Aug-2024 , By Arif Raihan Opu
A Helmet is a safety gear and essential accessory for bike riders. Now bike riders are wearing Helmets frequently these days. People are more aware of their safety and precaution. So helmets are necessary for riding bikes.
United Nations (UN) Launched Standard Helmet In Bangladesh!
Recently United Nations launched a standard helmet in Bangladesh. Laws for the correct use of helmets have proved the most effective means of improving helmet use -- in Malaysia, the introduction of helmet law led to a 30% reduction in motorcycle deaths. Bangladesh's Road Transport Act 2018 requires drivers and passengers to wear helmets properly but has not specified the meaning of "proper." Nor does it mention E-bikers.

Standards and specifications for helmets and the mandatory use of helmets by e-bikers must be included in the Road Transport Rules currently under preparation. Recently, a committee has been formed with members from two relevant government authorities Bangladesh Road Transport Authority and Bangladesh Standard Testing Institution, and Brac to review and recommend standard specifications for helmets for motorcycle riders. The committee is set to work following international standards.

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Currently, United Nations (UN) helmets are available in the country's markets with price ranges from TK 5OO to TK 50,000, but there is hardly any way to make sure of their safety standards. To make available standardized helmets in the country, the World Bank and Brac have jointly launched a United Nations (UN)-standard helmet which will work as a reference for the time being, before the current standard is reviewed.

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Enforcing laws for helmets once promulgated will need both pieces of training of traffic police as well as setting up of traffic cameras, especially on city roads and highways to watch on the helmets used by the riders. Public awareness of the law is crucial to law enforcement.
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People are more willing to abide by Laws when they learn their benefits. Additionally, standardized helmets at affordable prices have to make available, preventing non-standard low-quality helmets from entering the market, measures put in place, risks in motorcycle riding are likely to reduce, causing fewer With all the miss to lives and livelihoods in future. deaths and morbidities and fewer miseries lives and livelihood in future.
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The safety benefits of helmets in motorbike riding is a long-established fact: The World Health Organization data shows wearing a motorcycle helmet can reduce the risk of fatal injuries by 42% and that of serious injuries by 68%.
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Fatality in road crash incidents involving motorcycles has already reached a record high in the country. A total of 1,758 deaths have been recorded up to October this year. This is a record 63% increase in road fatalities involving motorcycles. The Road Safety Foundation reveals that 75% of the people who died this year were in the 14-15 age group; 669 were students and 72 teachers.
Currently, motorcycles comprise over 60% of the country's total registered motor vehicles. More people in the capital and across the country are opting for motorcycles as a family vehicle because it is relatively cheaper in price and speedier, reduce regular conveyance, can tread rough roads, and carry both people and limited bulk of goods.
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While for years it was a popular shared riding transport in the countryside, now the practice has spread in the capital and other big cities. Started by mobile phone-based ride-sharing companies, it now attracts more men to join the occupation, an overwhelming number of whom have a questionable record of training, competence, and experience.
Published by Arif Raihan Opu